Character Reference Letters

Character reference letters are a great way to create connections with people that you want to get to know. If you don’t have a lot of time, you can get a bunch of references from friends and family in one fell swoop. But if you have the time, then this guide is for you.

When writing character reference letters you can make a lot of different suggestions that will interest everyone. Some tips are to ask people what they would do if they were in your shoes. It may seem silly but it will encourage many people to talk about their experiences with you. Ask about their feelings, goals, and fears and goals and see how it can change the quality of the letter and the recipient’s impression of you.

Others will be interested in describing a specific experience you had in the past that fits in well with your qualifications. You may find yourself asking “what would you do to save me money?” It doesn’t have to be a complex question, just a question that can turn out to be a treasure trove of information. Here are some examples: “When I bought my car, I learned that I could get a discount by filling out and faxing an application in three days”. “I was invited to an evening event by a well-connected business person”I felt a great connection when the hotel manager sat me down and introduced me to the CFO”.

Remember, the only way to make a good impression with character reference letters is to express your opinions in a light, open manner. A detailed letter filled with generalities will not impress anyone. Instead, this means that you should describe how you believe others should be treated rather than stating your feelings about something that has happened to you.

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Another example would be to say, “I had a good experience with X and Y and Z. They showed a lot of faith in me.” “My boss feels that I am an asset to his company and he will try to reward me for this”. This way you get to explain why you feel so strongly about the value of the relationship.

By writing character reference letters you will also be introducing yourself to that individual. While you may have known them previously, introducing yourself is much better than having to do so after the fact.

To help make the letters more personal you can highlight how much you respect that person or even their interests. Write about aspects of their life that will put you in touch with them on a personal level. If you have any skills that are particularly unique, go ahead and discuss that as well.

While character reference letters can be written and delivered by someone other than the recipient, it is always best to include the recipient in the writing process. This will help in the creation of the letter and will help everyone involved to feel that the relationship is sincere.

Character Reference Letter Example and Writing Tips


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