Counselor Cover Letter

Lisa wants to work for a women’s clinic as an advocate or counselor. She wrote this feisty cover letter, filled with the passion that makes her good at helping women make difficult choices. Her letter serves as an intro to her attached resume and as an example of how she will approach her job working with women.

What to Make of This Cover Letter Sample

Whether or not you agree with Lisa’s views on women’s rights, there is much to learn from her cover letter.

  • Bullet point statements help Lisa’s reader find the most relevant qualifications for the advocate/counseling job Lisa is applying for.
  • Lisa shows that she is familiar with the clinic and is up to date on its current issues.
  • The question of salary is addressed in the second-to-last paragraph. Without stating a number, Lisa suggests a compensation arrangement that’s a win-win for both the organization and herself.

Cover Letter Example for an Advocate/Counselor

Lisa Yvmsl
001 West Mesa Drive
Tucson, AZ 22341
[email protected]

August 2, 20xx

Mr. Sandra Mxzpq, Director
Women’s Choice Clinic
001 North Prickly Pear Road
Tucson, AZ 12345

Dear Ms. Mxzpq,

Fighting for women’s reproductive freedom is my passion in life. My “weapons” are:

  • Compassion, empathy, dedication, and respect.
  • Fluency in Spanish; some knowledge of Navajo. Awareness of (and sensitivity to) nuances of Native American and Latin American cultures.
  • Strong listening and assessment skills.
  • A fiery tongue, a willingness to cross picket lines, and a brave heart.

I know you may have struggled with staff attrition lately — it’s a scary time. But I can assure you, I’m in this for the long haul.

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I’m also extremely flexible. I’d consider a job as an advocate… group leader… counselor… or any other non-medical position you have available.

As for my salary expectation, I propose something similar to the arrangement at my last job: I started at a basic hourly rate, then I identified and helped secure additional funding sources, enabling my employer to double my wages. (The grant I brought in also allowed us to add more evening hours.)

I am eager to talk with you about how we can work together. I’ll stop by your office next Tuesday, after the Women’s Rights Rally, to set up an appointment.

In solidarity,

Lisa Yvmsl

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