Cover Letter For Employee Trainer

Mitchell is using the following cover letter (and resume) to follow up on a phone call he had with someone in his professional network, Carol Pilsner. Carol is the Director of Human Resources at a company Mitchell would like to work for. The good news is that Carol has a job opening and she wants Mitchell to apply for it.

Mitchell didn’t waste any time. As soon as he got off the phone with Carol, he jumped on his computer, updated his resume composed this cover letter, and sent his packet to Carol asap.

There are a few things to note about Mitchell’s cover letter. It’s being sent as hardcopy via snail mail because that’s what the employer requested. However, he’s also sending it via email, using just the body of this cover letter for the email message.

In the second paragraph, Mitchell refers to two tasks he will complete within the next two months. These are items they talked about on the phone. Mitchell highlights them by formatting them in bullet point statements, almost like a checklist. In his email version, he’ll change those bullet points to dashes because bullet points don’t always transfer well from one email system to another.

Ending a follow-up letter with a “thank-you” is a good idea. Mitchell does it in a way that allows his reader to feel like a mentor to him. Nicely done!

Here’s Mitchell’s cover letter.

Mitchell Tyree
25 Second Avenue
St. Paul, MN 12345
(123) 555-1234
[email protected]

March 30, 20xx

Ms. Carol Pilsner
Director of Human Resources
Do-Right Weavers
250 Bradonton Road
St. Paul, MN 12345

Dear Ms. Pilsner,

Thank you for spending time on the phone with me this afternoon. I am definitely enthusiastic about applying for the position of trainer.

I’m willing to do the required coursework on my own. In two months I can complete:

  • The “Train the Trainer” program at Minneapolis State College
  • John Capers Training Certification

Is your schedule free for an interview sometime in the next few weeks? I have a trip planned for a week in mid-April. I look forward to speaking with you before then.

Again, thank you for encouraging me to take advantage of this career opportunity.


Mitchell Tyree

Best Training and Development Cover Letter Examples | LiveCareer

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Training and Development Cover Letter Template | Cover Letter

Best Training and Development Cover Letter Examples | LiveCareer

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