8 Tips Writing a Good Resume

A good resume in English must be a summing up our education and work experience document. The following are points and information relevant to your resume in English can be selected.

1. Visual attraction

This should be attractive and creative. It is important to have personality and an element that differentiates you from other candidates.

2. Brevity

Do not overdo two sheets do not have to write your autobiography. It is better to include little information but that is good, clear and relevant to write long paragraphs that may confuse the coach about your facets, experience and skills.

3. No photo

English do not carry photography, nor have to specify your marital status.

4. Organized

Your resume it must be very well ordered. Do not repeat information, organize your phrases and choose the right words to define and explain your career.

5. Structured

is important to follow this structure. divided into four sections: Personal information Work experience (Work Experience) Education (Education) Skills and interests (Skills and Interests) Both in the section on work experience education should list your experience and academic qualifications chronologically and including the highlights of each of them.

6. Clarity / Spelling

Be clear and concise. Do not let half sentences or unidentified positions. It is very important that after reading your resume. the coach is clear about your work and educational history and your abilities and skills. It is advisable not forget to write the professional category in each job. Not the same writing marketing, that marketing manager or marketing executive. Make sure you do not have misspellings and your resume perfectly understand. Tell your friends or your English teacher to check it .

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7. Use the right words

Your CV must transmit positivity and energy.For this to happen must use the right words. They should be motivating and proactive, avoiding repetitions, such as: Initiated, Direct, Create, Lead, Generate and Launch.

8. Honesty

is very important to be frank and honest. Otherwise, probably in the job interview they discover. Finally, before sending your resume, remember tobe realistic and make sure that you meet the requirements for the job offered if thou meet later, send it , but if no, do not fool yourself.   help those seeking to achieve the Professional success.

Examples Of Good Resumes That Get Jobs


Examples Of Good Resumes That Get Jobs



Examples Of Good Resumes That Get Jobs


17 things that make this the perfect résumé | *Professional


Examples Of Good Resumes That Get Jobs

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