Beautician Resume Skills And Samples

Here’s a guide that will allow them to see you more clearly, help you think if the profession of beautician is in line with your expectations and find the training path corresponding to your wishes. You will find below these elements you to guide you in your search.

personal qualities

The beautician must:

  • have the sense of touch
  • to listen to its customers
  • exercise psychology
  • have a business sense
  • be sensitive to the artistic concept
  • be endowed with a certain physical strength
  • be very careful of his person

professional skills required

The beauty therapist is a professional who must acquire a thorough knowledge of the skin, cosmetics , techniques care , the aesthetic massages and of hair removal , the makeup and manicure . Furthermore, the beautician should also acquire basic skills in the field of perfumery and commercial techniques to fulfill the functions sales advisor .

Nature of work beautician

The beautician prodigal of facials and body to its customer (s) depending on the nature of their skin and their specific characteristics. The beautician advises his customer (s) in the choice of products and how to use them, depending on their wishes when in institute and proceed in the same way as part of a business sales consultant.

Work places

The beautician may exercise either as an employee ( Beauty parlors , Spas ,Thalassos , perfumeries , drugstores , hairdressers , in the hospital or nursing home ) or as an independent ( beautician at homeInstitutes beauty).
Various training and qualifications for a beautician

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CAP Aestheticians

Preparing 2 years after the 3rd class of the CAP Esthetics – Cosmetics:

  • Private institutional ( schools or training centers ) or vocational school .


  • Training alternating with practical training conducted by company:
    • Still learning: theoretical instruction is conducted in a CFA(Apprentice Training Centre) of the Trade Chambers.
    • Professional contract: theoretical education is generally provided by a Professional College.

Any person holding a CAP, a BEP or BAC in another specialty can prepare the CAP Esthetics – Cosmetics in one year.
The CAP Esthetics – Cosmetics is the first compulsory level to give access to a beautician.

It provides students with the foundation necessary to:

  • realize all care provided in Beauty Salons and sell the services performed therein.
  • advise and sell the products of perfumery and cosmetics .

The owner of the CAP Beauty-Cosmetics , may practice as an employee or choose to create or acquire a business.

The CAP Aestheticians also provides access to:

  • the BP Aestheticians
  • to diplomas issued by private institutions providing additional training

BP Aestheticians

The BP-Aesthetic Cosmetics is the logical extension after obtaining the CAP Aestheticians . It allows to specialize in different areas of the perfumery and theaesthetic . This training is conducted in alternating school / company over two years.The owner of the BP Aestheticians , can achieve all care practiced in beauty salonsas well as exercise in the field of sales of perfumery and cosmetics as a responsible employee or head of independent company. The BP Aestheticiansprovides access to the BTS Aestheticians .

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BAC Professional Aestheticians

The BAC-Professional Aesthetic Cosmetics is open to high school (do) s late first or Terminal and holders of a diploma level 5 (BEP).
Training takes place in two years. The holder of a LAC-Professional aesthetic Cosmetics is formed to advise and sell products perfumesand cosmetics as well as the services provided in the Beauty Salon . He does not acquire training in the practice of aesthetics but of commercial skills to include entertainment outlets. the BAC-Professional Aesthetic Cosmetics provides access to the BTS Aestheticians .

BTS Aestheticians

The BTS Aestheticians is open:

  • to holders of BP Aestheticians
  • titutlaires to an A-Level Aestheticians
  • to holders of BAC whatever it is
  • the level of candidates LAC (on file and after maintenance)
  • holders of a professional or academic equivalence.

The owner of BTS Aestheticians , can occupy positions of responsibility in all beauty centers, stores selling products perfumeryand cosmetics .
The graduate of BTS Beauty-Cosmetics has the ability to teach, a manager team and to train staff.

Additional training

The aesthetic Schools private providing general further education to deepen the foundations laid and expand skills in specific areas especially in terms of languages.Such training is provided on one or two years of the beauty schools . Moreover, additional specific training is offered by a large number of beauty schools and centers for training in particular to deepen areas such as makeup the aesthetic massages, the skills Spa and Thalassotherapy .

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