Coffee House Supervisor Job Description


House Supervisor extend far over open and close the front doors every day. Managing a successful shop supervisor must various aspects of the economy and employees. Customers must be treated properly. Products must be high quality; Equipment must be carefully maintained; and the shop must be by government regulations.

Equipment maintenance

The main sign of good Coffeeshop– and a good manager – is equipment running smoothly and efficiently. This is particularly important in a cafe, as many other hospitality fields, since the accuracy of the coffee directly affects taste. So espresso machines tuned for perfect recordings – Between 17 and 21 seconds – to review and adjust accordingly. This must be done several times a day, and you can train employees on how to do it when you’re not there. Another maintenance item is out the drip coffee maker cleaning. By changing the types of coffee brewed in any flavor begins to contaminate Cross and your product is not his best. Clean the pots every day to maintain the integrity of the taste. Other maintenance, parts cleaning are frap, machines, mixers, dispensers, syrup tops, refrigerators and other machines. In your shop


The work per employee schedule is boring for some, but necessary for a smooth operation. It must be received on Saturday will be available for the next week of business, and it helps it. E-mail to each team member If you have on the wall just above, there is a greater chance of misunderstandings and employee no-shows. Almost everyone has e-mail and checked frequently, so this is a good way to communicate. While you create the schedule, fair and try to honor employee requests. Of course, you can not always make everyone happy, but you can try to accommodate.

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Enforcement of the rules

It is very important to ensure that your employees are following company protocol. Check how each dressed and cared for work to arrive any day. If you spot deficiencies, set the rules directly, but friendly, with the right tone and language. Employees make happy is not a priority for some managers, but that is highly counterproductive attitude. Your employees are the heart of the company. A happy team is like a happy environment and more satisfied customers.

state compliance

One of the most important aspects of managing a coffee shop is keeping the store by the status code for the health. Each state has its own rules, but they have much in common. You must keep the memory up to par in cleanliness and hygiene. You need the bleach level in sponges and rags fairs; storing meat, vegetables and cheese at the correct temperature; Elimination of cross-contamination; make employees constantly to sanitize their hands and wear socks; and just keep sales shop clean overall.Familiarize yourself with your state checklist so you can keep the memory in constant harmony. Because you do not know when the inspector is visiting. Additionally, you need to take a class and a test, the approval of a food manager. You must see that your employees allowed to do the same, receive food handler. Otherwise, your business could get shut down. to treat all this properly and run a coffee shop safe, happy and sanitation.

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Restaurant Supervisor Job Description Template ~ FREE | ZipRecruiter®

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