Community Health Educator Cover Letter

Frank wrote this cover letter for a Community Health Educator job at the Albany Public Health Department. By sending his resume and cover letter to his colleague at the department, he gets a leg up on his competition and is able to weave in a few friendly comments.

About This Cover Letter Sample

Here are a few things that I particularly like about this cover letter.

  • The overall tone of Frank’s letter is both friendly and professional. From the salutation (“Dear Paul”), we see that Frank is on a first-name basis with his reader. And from the last sentence (“It’ll be nice to see you again!”) we know that they have already met.
  • Bullet points in the body of the letter highlight Frank’s relevant work history and achievements.
  • The second-to-last paragraph addresses salary without revealing any numbers. This leaves the negotiating to be discussed in person at a later point.

Cover Letter Example That’s for a Community Health Educator

Frank Wshjb, M.P.H.
001 Fremont Boulevard
Union City, New York 12345

August 2, 20xx

Mr. Paul Dqbnx
Albany Public Health Department
001 North Sycamore Street
Albany, New York 21402

Dear Paul,
Thanks for sending me the job description for the Community Health Educator position. My resume is enclosed.

The position sounds ideal for me, as I have extensive experience in the areas required: developing and conducting training, creating and disseminating educational messages, and establishing trust and dialogue with diverse communities.

  • At the Washtenaw County Clinic, I delivered trainings and program support to numerous community-based organizations.
  • Working with AIDSCOM, I quickly established rapport with AIDS program Staff in other counties, providing highly effective technical assistance.
  • For the Northern G.A.P. project, I coordinated a school-based AIDS education program for youth, interfacing with teachers, parents and community leaders.
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My salary in these positions varied considerably, due to the fluctuations in funding available to community-based organizations. I am always willing to negotiate with prospective employers to ensure that our mutual needs can be met.

I look forward to speaking with you about the position and will call your office next week to schedule a time for us to meet. It’ll be nice to see you again!

Yours truly,

Frank Wshjb

Health Educator Cover Letter Sample | Cover Letter Templates


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