CAD Designer Cover Letter


This is both a cover letter and a follow-up to a previous meeting. We can see that Pat and the manager must have hit it off when they met at a conference. This follow-up is friendly and refers to things they spoke about earlier. It also suggests things they might talk about in the future — in a job interview!

Pat starts her letter with “Dear Alice,” which tells us they’re on a first-name basis. In the first paragraph, Pat says that Alice asked her to send her resume, which is the reason for this letter. And in the last paragraph, Pat says that she will call Alice to see when they can get together again — another sign that they are on good terms.

This cover letter was sent as an attachment to an email. Also attached was Pat’s resume. In the body of the email message, Pat pasted just the essence of the letter (from “Dear Alice” to “Also attached: resume.” In other words, she deleted the heading, inside address, and date for the email version. Then she changed “Also attached: resume” to “Attached: resume and cover letter.”

Here’s Pat’s cover letter.

Pat Mills
321 Sunrise Lane
Phoenix, AZ 12345
[email protected]

June 21, 20xx

Ms. Alice Cobb
A Design, A.S.I.D.
987 Douglass St., Suite 500
Phoenix, AZ 12345

Dear Alice,
It was great to speak with you in person at the Women’s Conference. I have attached my resume as you requested.

Your insistence on high-quality work and state-of-the-art technology fits perfectly with my interest in remaining abreast of ever-improving software. I think you’ll be pleased when you see the scope of my work using parametric and associative dimensioning in CAD systems.

I’d like to get together again, this time in an environment that’s more conducive to discussion. I’m eager to learn more about the designer position at your firm and to show you my complete portfolio.

I’ll call Monday to see when we can meet at your office.


Pat Mills

AutoCAD Designer Cover Letter Sample | Cover Letter Templates

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