4 steps to get a job interview

Job search can be very difficult. Some people decide to leave your current job just to try their luck in the labor market. However, even if you are a very qualified person, you can face difficulties getting in an interview to get a good job.

What can you do to make during the selection process your resume to be considered for a chat one to one? We recommend the following:

1. Read carefully the job
What is exactly what the hiring company is looking for in a candidate?What skills, experience and certificates needed to apply? What are the features listed as important?

If you do not meet the minimum requirements, or at least most, then do not call you for an interview. Say you have a doctorate but if you have no experience in the specific sector, probably not will fulfill with the profile they need.

2. Rewrite your resume
is important that you spend time with your resume to highlight the important skills you have that might be relevant to the labor supply. Recruiters usually spend only a few seconds on each document, searching for specific words. Your resume will be discarded does seem better suited to another job.

At a minimum, make sure the target section is talk of job for which you are applying. Do not say that your goal is to find a job in marketing when you’re looking for a job in administration. Similarly, you should make it very clear that you possess the skills and required certificates.

3. Design
When striking a resume, recruiters spend more time with him. It is important that this document has a striking design but not the text “eat” on it. Furthermore, it should be very easy to read. No matter how innovative is a design, if the recruiter does not understand, he unceremoniously discarded. It is also essential to ensure sending it to the right person and that the application has the correct name of the vacancy.

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4. Stay away from the computer
Many candidates spend several hours a day searching the net job opportunities and places to leave your resume. However, the statistics clearly indicate that most jobs are found through networking. To increase your chances, go for a coffee with friends or business contacts and tell them what they’re looking for . Search for communities in social networks of the branch that interests you.

Opportunities to stand out and be called for an interview increase when your resume comes a recruiter you hand someone who knows. Moreover, you may be “put in the crosshairs” of the interviewer, even if missing some qualities you’re looking for .
With these steps you will increase the chances of finding a recruiter.


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