Greeting Card

How to wish a Happy New Year with friends or professional relations? Send a greeting card messages  for the new year is to show respect and friendship. But what sort of greeting card to send? And what are the uses to follow either when writing greetings card either when it is answered. Discover our sample text for the new year and our free templates greeting card .

When sending a greeting card

The simple rule is, do not send a greetings card wishing a good year before the new year.

Before 1 st January

Only want to beautiful holiday season

In February

N”envoyez or card or letter to address your wishes . It is also too late to meet the wishes received .

Doing so may seem careless or rude.


Send the elderly a letter traditional, with date, salutation and signature rather than a greetings card .

Younger first send their best wishes to their elders

Relationships, to supervisors, bosses, former colleagues

To all those to whom you want to show your attachment, send a nice greeting card illustrated, created or not an association charity, Unicef style.

There are spoiled for choice.

Be careful though with elegance and sobriety.

Send wishes on a card business is a little dry. Your card business will serve only to meet the wishes received.

Write on the card business:

Touched for your kind wishes, thank you and offers to turn his most cordial good wishes for the new year

With close friends

You can send the e – card (by email), SMS and MMS embellished with a small text message wishing beautiful festivals of end of the year or a good year.

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Respond to a greeting card

If you receive a greeting card , it is customary to respond by sendingyou as a cardgreeting or card business and this in a very short time.

This is an elegant way to thank them for their shipment.

Greeting Card

greeting card is not a letter , so there is no need to itemize your moods or to evoke rain or shine. A few lines suffice .

What to write on a greeting card?

If it’s someone dear to you, feel free to write his name in the header and do not forget to sign.

Free text for greeting cards

Text for a greeting card # 1 

Aurélie dear, dear Barnabas,

We take this period of festivities to wish you a Happy New Year 2020.

Joy, happiness, health and prosperity!

Alain and Claudine

Text for a greeting card # 2

Dear Bud,
On the occasion of this new year, I will send my wishes health, happiness and success.

I’m kissing you strongly


Text for a greeting card # 3

Carl Darling,

The whole family joins me to wish you a wonderful New Year celebrations

With all our affection

Text for a greetings card # 4

In a relationship, write:

Dear Bud,
On the occasion of this new year 2020, we wish you all our wishes for happiness, prosperity and above all health, you and all those you loved.

Text for a greeting card # 5

At a higher, write:

Dear Sir,
Please accept, for this new year , my best wishes.


Text for a greetings card # 6

Dear Bud Wayser,
In this period of festivities , I would like to express the loyalty of my memory, and send you my wishes more respectful.


A company will write to its commercial relations:

Text for a greeting card # 7

Any team Toutpratique  presents its best wishes for 2020

(All department heads or department heads concerned will sign)

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